Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Western Civilization can be saved by its counties

The political craziness that infects Washington, D.C. and so many state governments , cannot devastate the ordinary county government.  By some stroke of fate, counties have geographical boundaries surrounding optimum numbers of people.  Those optimum numbers can operate a successful direct democracy.  Those optimum numbers also just happen to be quite capable of organizing a local, self-sustaining economy.  Each county has its own version of who is rich or poor, or who is successful or failing.  Each county has its own ideas  about how to deal with its differences among people.

When push comes to shove, a county’s borders are easily crossed. One is free to move in or move out.  Counties should be where personal liberty comes to terms with forces of government. One county could become a haven for one way of life. Another county might attract another way of living.  A greater autonomy should be permitted among county legal systems.  The States and Washington, D.C. have usurped too much authority over what people in their own counties should be deciding for themselves.  Telling others how they must live, just because you can, is inexcusable.  The county is the best place to sort these matters out.

Counties should be ultimately responsible for the success of the representative system of government.  Counties should be originating the home districts which should be producing the reps which should be ruling the Federation of States.  Counties are the saviors of the people from the evils of partisan government.  Western Civilization is being destroyed by the evils of partisan government.

It is the evils of partisan government that prevents inter-state negotiations that will define the standard home district.  Without a standard home district, we are a dis-united people in a doomed and dying system.

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