Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Basic Constitutional Issues That Scholars Refuse To Discuss: Part 2

There is a down side to the hope and optimism for better governing as explained above. We have now lived exactly one hundred years under two of the most destructive Constitutional Amendments that could have been conceived. They are numbers Sixteen and Seventeen.  Sixteen paves the way for bleeding the free enterprise system to death by income taxing. Seventeen totally changed the job descriptions of senators, and raises questions about senators’ value in the system.

Alone, those two amendments have spun America into a downward spiral that is about to crash us.  They were designed to do what they are doing. They were passed by lying and deception. Their supporters want to destroy what the Founders tried to build, and establish their own power base by force. They are constantly on watch for opportunities to  shut down the American Way.

You can blame Progressive Republican Theodore Roosevelt and Progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson and all their ilk for these two destructive amendments. They must be rescinded.  The partisanship cancer must be removed from the body politic. Home districting will empower local voters to take charge of their own destiny. Otherwise, Western Civilization is needlessly doomed.

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