Monday, July 14, 2014

Western Civilization Was Kick-Started At Pentecost? A Thesis.

Every person is different. However, every person is expected to behave peaceably (and productively) while around other persons. Each person has mysterious motivations to behave one way or another.
When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, they formed a government. It was called The Mayflower Compact. Within a year, its failure was obvious. The complaint went out that a person who does not work shall not eat. A second Mayflower Compact was quickly written to incorporate that principle.
The all-volunteer society that the Pentecost experience tells about is a behavioral dream that simply could not be passed to the next generation.  How long it lasted depends on one’s imagination. The experience has haunted the high born and the low born for two thousand years: How can what happened at Pentecost be re-instituted into human behavior?  Socialism says, “Force will do it.”  Christianity says, “Free-Will will do it.”  Socialists look forward to the day when Christianity is wiped out.  Christianity looks forward to the day when Socialism is wiped out.
Or does Christianity feel that way about Socialism? What behavioral forces are causing some Christians to embrace Socialism, if the only way Socialism can work is by application of total force? The answer to both questions is that those who cross over have faith that Socialism really can be a volunteer system. That faith is just as religious in nature as their Christian faith. It is the quick fix that brings back the great religious experience of Pentecost. They close their eyes and dream.
Since the original Mayflower compact, many similar experiments (such as New Harmony IN) have been tried, and failed.  They have all failed, and always will fail for one reason: Energetic persons tire of carrying the drones---and freely walk away.  Socialism is benign, until it builds fences to keep its people inside. Then, it becomes State Socialism, a nation of slaves to government.
There is a practical volunteer society that freely floods the world with abundance. It is operated by the same spirits that organize the amazingly complex ant and bee colonies. That spirit operates our enterprising productive system.  It is the way Western Civilization has found to successfully keep the spirit of Pentecost alive and well among the human colonies of Earth. Earth’s tyrants hate it. Earth’s people love it as soon as they taste it. Lies are the only enemy of it.  It is the instigator of cultural wars.    

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